Our school celebrated India’s 71st Republic Day with great pride. The students took pride in glorifying and celebrating the spirit of unity. The programme began at 9.30am. The chief guest for the day was Prof. Arun K.Tangirala (Dept.of Chemical Engineering) of IITM.

The guest members were presided to the flag hoisting ceremony by our school band team. Our chief guest hoisted the National flag. The students saluted the National flag and pledged to up hold the honour and integrity. The choir group presented the patriotic Tamil flag song followed by Vandemataram song.

The chief guest addressed the students and urged them to do their best and feel proud to be Indian. The students brought the stage alive with their passion and love of the motherland through their speech. We had a Tamil speech delivered by Miss. Nyla Mary of Class IX and an English speech by Miss. Saisrudhika of Class IX. Mahakavi Bharathiyar’s songs were sung by Tiny Tots, Primary and Middle school students. Sanskrit song was sung by middle and higher secondary students. Dance was performed by primary students. In the end Tamil skit emphasizing the need for clean and green India was showcased by middle school students. The vote of thanks was proposed by L.Lekha of class IX. May we continue celebrating this day forever!

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